Author, Speaker, Educator, International Expert
Hi, I’m Russ Breault
RUSS BREAULT has been researching and lecturing on the Shroud of Turin for over 30 years. His presentation makes use of over 200 superb images and unfolds like a CSI investigation. The audience is riveted as each clue is revealed and becomes another piece of a grand puzzle as the mystery of the Shroud is explored. Carefully designed to be educational, inspirational, and entertaining, Mr. Breault delivers a dynamic, fast-paced experience.
Mr. Breault has captivated hundreds of audiences from New York to Hawaii. College and university presentations include Duke, Auburn, Johns Hopkins, Penn State and West Point along with hundreds of church events representing all denominations.
Tap here for a list of happy clients and references from my history of events!

Contact Russ Breault at the Shroud of Turin Education Project, Inc. to schedule a Shroud Encounter for your location today!
Mr. Breault has appeared in numerous nationally televised documentaries airing on CBS, History Channel, Discovery Channel and EWTN. He has appeared on Good Morning America, ABC World News Tonight and was an adviser to CNN’s “Finding Jesus” series. He hosted and produced 12 episodes of The Shroud Report, a half-hour interview show with the world’s leading experts.
He has participated in nearly every international research symposium since the first Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) conference in 1981. He attended all three recent public exhibitions in Turin, Italy in 1998, 2000 and 2010.
Mr. Breault is the President and founder of the Shroud of Turin Education Project Inc. with a simple eleven word mission statement: “To advance the knowledge of the Shroud to a new generation”
National Television & Radio Appearances
National Documentaries
- The Real Face of Jesus?–History Channel
- Jesus: The Lost 40 Days–History Channel
- Behold a Mystery – TBN
- Mysteries of the Ancient World – CBS
- Ancient Secrets of the Bible – Discovery
- The Holy Winding Sheet – EWTN
- Uncovering the Truth about Jesus
- Mysteries of the Unexplained
- Jesus: The Evidence
- Jesus: The Great Debate
- The Case for Christ’s Resurrection
National TV Appearances
- ABC World News Tonight
- Good Morning America
- History’s Greatest Mysteries – History Channel
- Living The Life – CBN
- Straight Talk – CBN
- The 700 Club – CBN
- Total Living with Jerry Rose – TLN
- The Morning Show – Family Net
National Radio
- Coast to Coast with George Noory
- Mornings with Lorri and Larry–Sirius Radio
- Al Kresta – Syndicated Catholic Radio
- Teresa Tomeo–Syndicated Catholic Radio
- EWTN-Syndicated Radio
- Focus on the Family
- Speaking of Strange-Clearchannel syndicated radio
- Homeward Bound Radio
International Media
- Channel One Russia
Radio Interviews:
- EWTN – National Catholic Radio
- Catholic Connection with Teresa Tomeo
- Ave Maria Radio
- Al Kresta – Kresta in the Afternoon
- Relevant Radio – A Closer Look with Sheila Liaugminas
- Spirit Catholic Radio Network
- Relevant Radio – The Drew Mariani Show

College & University Presentations
- Duke University
- Penn State University
- Regent University
- Cal State Dominguez Hills
- East Carolina University
- Eastern Kentucky University
- Stonehill College
- Augustana College
- Mount St. Mary’s University
- Alvernia University
- DeSales University
- Penn College of Technology
- State University of NY (Suny)
- West Point
- Auburn University
- Georgia Highlands College
- University of Indianapolis
- Roanoke College
- Tennessee Wesleyan College
- Spartanburg Methodist University
- Roberts Wesleyan College
- University of St. Thomas
- Mount Aloysius College
- Westminster College
- Middle Tenn State University
- University of Alabama-Birmingham
- John Carroll University
- Army Command College
- Christendom College
- Assumption College
- Centralia College
- Middlesex County College
- U Mass – Amhurst
- Minn. State University
- University of Oregon
- NE Ohio Medial University
- UNC Charlotte
- Johns Hopkins University
- GA Tech
- Lynn University
- McDaniel College
- University of Louisiana
- Bradley University
- And More…..

Military Presentations
- West Point Military Academy
- U.S. Army Command College
- U.S. Naval Academy Alumni Assoc.
- Fort Polk
- Fort Rucker
- Fort Shafter
- Fort Benning
- Fort Bragg
- Fort Stewart
- Schofield Barracks
- Fort Leavenworth
- Fort MacPherson
- And More….

International Conferences
Right out of college, Russ Breault attended the Shroud of Turin Research Project (STURP) press conference in 1981 where the final results of their exhaustive research was made public. He later participated in the following international conferences and exhibitions:
- New London – 1981
- Paris – 1989
- NYC – 1990
- Rome – 1993
- Turin – 1998
- Dallas – 1998
- Turin – 1998 Worldwide Exhibition
- Richmond – 1999
- Orvieto – 2000
- Turin – 2000 Worldwide Exhibition
- Dallas – 2001
- Dallas – 2005
- Ohio State U. – 2008
- Turin – 2010 Worldwide Exhibition
- St. Louis – 2014
- Pasco, WA – 2017
- Ancaster, Ontario – 2019
- Washington D.C. – 2022 Museum of the Bible

What others say about shroud encounter
"The presentation was fantastic!!! The immediate response was a standing ovation. I cannot remember any event in the past where people were literally glued to every word. The images were superb, and very professionally explained. The display of the shroud replica and the photonegatives in the lobby really helped people understand the gravity of the talk. I have already recommended the program to two other Churches.”
"Passion, Insight, and Humor"
Mr. Breault exhibits a thorough understanding of the history, the forensic science, and the apologetical value of this unique artifact, and he delivers his message with passion, insight and humor. It is a captivating presentation, and while he sets forth compelling evidence in support of the Shroud’s authenticity, he avoids the kind of unsubstantiated claims that sometimes accompany such presentations. As a Christian historian and apologist, I appreciate Mr. Breault’s scholarly approach to the subject as well as the conviction with which he uses this phenomenal artifact to validate the Gospel message of the risen Lord Jesus Christ.
"Brings the Story of the Shroud to Life"
The presentation by Russ Breault known as Shroud Encounter is spellbinding! His ability to connect with his audience is quite impressive.
The amount of detail and research Russ discusses is nothing short of incredible. Our congregation was captivated by his ability to take them on a mental and emotional trip from the first century to today, tracking the most profound artifact connected with Christianity in history.
Russ brings the story of the Shroud to life in a way that challenges every listener to search for themselves the truth behind the Shroud of Turin.
"Incredibly Enthusiastic, Engaging, and Personable"
Working with Russ Breault was truly a wonderful experience from start to finish. Russ is incredibly enthusiastic, engaging, and personable. He brings this same level of energy and commitment to his interactive presentation. Russ’s style of presenting the evidence of the Shroud was inclusive, allowing those from both faith perspectives and science perspectives to feel they were represented in the presentation. I appreciated Russ’s approach to his work and to his dedication to learning. I was completely wrapped up in the historical tracing of the Shroud of Turin’s journey as well as the intriguing scientific presentation of facts and historical references. I look forward to continued work with Russ and can confidently recommend his program and his work to others.
Russ Breault’s “Shroud Encounter” presentation captivated our audience and inspired wonderful dialogue after the event. Students, faculty, staff and community members are still discussing the mysteries that were brought up around the Shroud. Russ’s approach was comprehensive, factual and extremely well researched. His style was engaging and he was able to quickly and easily explain even the most complex scientific details to clarify the evidence he was providing. We were extremely pleased with his presentation and we would gladly book him again.
Shroud Encounter is a powerful faith-builder!
“Russ Breault’s “Shroud Encounter” was the largest attended event in our Catholic Student Center Hall that I have ever witnessed. Over 550 people packed into the room and were mesmerized by his presentation. For weeks afterwards I heard from different people how much they enjoyed it and how much it helped increase their faith. After his presentation, I could clearly understand why he is in such high demand as a speaker.